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E. Navarro León, J.M. Ruiz Sáez, N. Graham
M.B. Blasco León,
"Physiological profile of CAX1a TILLING mutants of Brassica rapa exposed to different calcium doses", Plant Science, vol.272
, 164-172, 2018
J.M. Ruiz Sáez
"Aplicaciones de la ionómica vegetal en la agricultura ", "Avances en los métodos de análisis de suelos y plantas (4ª Edición). ", None-None, 2017
M. López-Herreros, E. Navarro León, M.B. Blasco León
J.M. Ruiz Sáez,
"Efecto de la fortificación iónica con silicato cálcico sobre la toxicidad de Boro en maíz", "IV WORKSHOP DE JÓVENES BIOTECNÓLOGOS", None-None, 2017
E. Navarro León, L. Romero, J.M. Ruiz Sáez
M.B. Blasco León,
"Evaluation of three cax1 brassica rapa mutants grown under Different Ca doses", "XXII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Fisiología Vegetal. XV Spanish Portuguese Congress of Plant Physiology", None-None, 2017
V. Paradisone, E. Navarro León, S. Esposito
J.M. Ruiz Sáez,
"Relevance of Si under Zn deficiency in barley plants", "XXVII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia", None-None, 2017
V. Paradisone, E. Navarro León, M.B. Blasco León, J.M. Ruiz Sáez
S. Esposito,
"Silicon ameliorates Zn deficiency symptons in relation to photosynthesis and oxidative stress", "Joint Congress SIBV-SIGA", None-None, 2017
A. De La Torre Gonzalez, D. Montesinos-Pereira, M.B. Blasco León
J.M. Ruiz Sáez,
"Analysis of metabolomic and nutritional biomarkers in Brassica oleracea L. cv. Bronco plants under alkaline stress", The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology
, -, 2017
A. De La Torre Gonzalez, E. Sánchez-Chavez, M.B. Blasco León
J.M. Ruiz Sáez,
"Comparative study of the toxic effect of salinity in different genotypes of tomato plants: carboxilates metabolism ", Scientia Horticulturae, vol.217
, 173-178, 2017
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024