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Lista de artículos

E. Navarro León, V. Paradisone, F.J. López-Moreno, J.J. Rios Ruiz, S. Esposito and M.B. Blasco León,  "Effect of CAX1a TILLING mutations on photosynthesis performance in salt-stressed Brassica rapa plants", "Plant Science" , vol.311, 111013-, 2021
F.J. López-Moreno, S. Atero-Calvo, E. Navarro León, M.B. Blasco León, M.T. Soriano-Vallejo and J.M. Ruiz Sáez,  "Evaluation of Physiological and Quality Parameters of Green Asparagus Spears Subjected to Three Treatments against the Decline Syndrome", "Agronomy" , vol.11, 937-, 2021
S.S. Hashmi, M. Shah, W. Muhammad, A. Ahmad, M. Asad Ullad, M. Nadeem and B.H. Abbasi,  "Potentials of phyto-fabricated nanoparticles as ecofriendly agents for photocatalytic degradation of toxic dyes and waste water treatment, risk assessment and probable mechanism", "Indian Chemical Society. Journal" , -, 2021
A. Ahmad, J. Ordóñez-García, P. Cartujo Cassinello and V.M. Martos Núñez,  "Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) in Agriculture: A Pursuit of Sustainability", "Agronomy" , -, 2021
F.J. López Moreno, J.M. Ruiz Sáez, M.B. Blasco León, M. De Cara-Garcia, E. Navarro León and M.T. Soriano-Vallejo,  "Factors involved in asparagus decline and effects of control techniques on survival, growth and production", "Acta Horticulturae" , 221-228, 2021
V.M. Martos Núñez, A. Ahmad, P. Cartujo Cassinello and J. Ordoñez,  "Ensuring Agricultural Sustainability through Remote Sensing in the Era of Agriculture 5.0", "Applied Sciences" , -, 2021
L. Rubio-Sanz, M.D.C. Dorca Fornell, M. Fornos, E. Navarro León and M.C. Jaizme-Vega-Vega,  "Phytochemical characterization of Moringa oleifera leaves", "Herba Polonica" , vol.67, 1-8, 2021
V.M. Martos Núñez, A. Ahmad, P. Cartujo-Cassinello and J. Ordóñez-García,  "Ensuring Agricultural Sustainability through Remote Sensing in the Era of Agriculture 5.0" has been published in Applied Sciences as part of the Special Issue The Status of the Sustainable Development Goals: Achievements and Expectations" , -, 2021

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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